WMUC Alumni Information Sheet

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Full Name:

Nickname/Air name:

Home Address:

Spouse's name:

Children's names and ages:

Job Title/Brief Description of Duties:


Work Address:

Home Phone: Work Phone:

FAX Phone: Other Phone:

Email Address:


I would like to receive WMUC Alumni information:
By mail at home
By mail at work
By Email
By FAX (D.C. Metro area only, please)

I prefer to be called about WMUC Alumni activities at
The best time to reach me is

I have hours a month to dedicate to WMUC Alumni activities.

I can use the following office equipment for WMUC Alumni activities (check all that apply):
Computer ( PC Mac Other)
Print shop

I can lend the following skills to WMUC Alumni activities (please note if you have a broadcasting (B/C) specialty):

Legal (B/C)
Engineering (B/C)
Press Relations (B/C)
Accounting (B/C)
Writing (B/C)
Photography (B/C)
Event Planning (B/C)
Videography (B/C)
Sales (B/C)

Do you have access to a free-of-charge room for WMUC Alumni meetings? Yes No
If yes, where is it located?

Do you have access to a location for a social or party gathering? Yes No
If yes, where is it located?

Anything else we should know about you?

We will include all of the information in Part I, and the information in the "Anything else" question above, in the WMUC Alumni Directory, UNLESS you check the following box:

Do NOT, under any circumstances, include me in the directory!

We are requesting a donation of $25.00 (or more, if you are able) to help defray the printing, mailing, and other administrative costs of the WMUC Alumni group. If you care to contribute, please make your check payable to WMUC, and mail it to:

WMUC Alumni Association
P.O. Box 6404
Annapolis, MD 21401

Please send comments to webmaster@wmuc.org

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